The Valurians strictly adhered to their rules and were not allowed to destroy the culture of the Gonnies. These children of nature were not at all suited to become food producers. So they first considered colonizing the planet with prisoners. This was expensive and manpower intensive. In addition, there remained the problem of intolerance of the air they breathed. But one of the explorers had visited the planet Earth years before and knew that the inhabitants of Earth were very industrious farmers. However, the earth was not an optimal cultivation soil. Thus it came to the fact that one settled earth inhabitants on Bangurel, who were willing to leave. They tolerated the atmosphere excellently and in the past 200 thousand years hundreds of thousands of people, mostly whole families, were settled on the planet Bangurel. The early societies on Earth did not notice when one of the families disappeared, or sometimes a whole small village. The camouflaged headhunters lured with images of the fertile land and were able to inspire most of the poorly living families. They had the best successes when they took individual peasants of Bangurel and these could talk with the earthlings.
The people farmed the Bangurel land superbly, soon exporting huge quantities of food, fish and animals to Valuria and building homesteads and cities. They got along very well with the Gonnies, whose culture they did not mind at all. Many Gonnies voluntarily moved into people's homes and in a very short time became well–suited domestic servants, cooks and gardeners. They did not want money, they wanted to build their huts in the courtyard and live as Gonnies lived. People liked to visit their bonfires, listen to the beautiful songs, get intoxicated with the wine and diligently participate in the general evening fucking. Human women could not get pregnant by the gonnies, but they found it entertaining to be fucked by the little men with the little dicks, because the gonnies could fuck for a very long time and very persistently. People had marriages, but fucking with the gonnies was generously tolerated and was not considered adultery. Boys as young as 12 had their first experience fucking gonnie women as did their sisters.
Men, however, could impregnate gonnie women, the result being the Half‐Gonnies, mostly male and infertile. But the Halfs were excellent good fuckers and were highly sought after by human women for their large, sturdy cocks. In many households, there were isolated Halfs who served as willing orgasm givers for the wives. Halfgirls were very rare and were the most popular whores in the brothels. Only the richest men could afford a half–girl for their household. The half–girls were very popular with everyone because they fucked much better than the man‐ and gonnie women. The halfs were a little taller than the gonnies, about 1 to 1,20 meter high, slender, and were furred only on the back. In front they were smooth and not furred, they had no pubic hair as did the Gonnies, and they proudly displayed their genitals as did the Gonnies. Although the Halfs, boys and girls alike, prided themselves on being the best fuckers far and wide, they struggled with the fate of being infertile and not being taken seriously by either the Gonnies or humans and being considered anything other than sex toys. There had been tension between the Halfs and the humans for millennia because of this. The Gonnies also had an emotional distance from the Halfs, who did not consider them one of their own. The humans also snacked on the poisonous mulberry, it was an excellent sexual stimulant and was only deadly in large doses.
There were legends that jealous wives poisoned their husbands' lovers to such an extent that they let themselves be fucked to death with lust. But these were probably just legends.
The Valurians increasingly shipped inventors and scientists from Earth to the planet, many, very many in fact. They also imported Earthly culture, politics and clerics with them. A vast amount of priests. Very soon the politicians and the clerics made common cause and snatched the power to themselves. Peasants and farmers had little to oppose this, they were mainly busy supplying Valuria for good money. Clerics and politicians were the true masters of this world.
Researchers and scientists made much better progress than on Earth thanks to Valurian help. The technicians invented things that did not even exist on Earth. Cities became more modern than any city on Earth. Robots took over menial jobs everywhere, manors had enough land for agricultural production, and gonnies lived in their courtyards, running households for food as payment. There were gliders for mobility and transporting produce that glided over the land using solar energy. Solar energy also cooled their warehouses and powered their spaceships. The people of Bangurel lived in the most futuristic world imaginable. Medical researchers were making equally huge advances. There was no disease left that they could not cure. They could even synthesize the active ingredients of the poisonous mulberry and take away its deadly effects. People used them continuously because by now the whole society was thoroughly sexualized. Fucking and being fucked totally took over the society. Unlike on Earth, the clergy as well as the politicians promoted over–sexualization, which was good for staying in power. When society revolved around sexuality, there was zero critical interest in politics, power or corruption. That was good, very good, said the parsons. Amen!
It was the overbearing monks themselves who imposed a chastity requirement and a sexual ban on the clergy. The realization that the alluring sex addiction and the hidden power of the feminine Sexuality was a threat to their power seemed plausible at first. They kept up appearances for the sake of form — and there were isolated clergy who idealistically adhered to their vows of chastity — but they were as addicted to sex as all men. Even bishops, cardinals and the Lord Pope celebrated orgies as in the times of the Borgias.
Pirates raided some cargo ships and when this became more and more a problem, the people of Bangurel had to raise an army in space thousands of years ago. But they took a different approach than the military on good old Earth. They created a large armada of unmanned combat ships. The control was purely telepathic.
Every newborn was examined for suitability to become a telepath. Suitable boys were injected with special enzymes into their brains, and their brain functions were gradually altered with ultrasound treatment. The boys grew up in the care of a master who gave them telepathy and military training. After some time, about ten or 12 years, they were deployed. In specially protected bunkers, 500 or 600 telepaths lay side by side, controlling the fleet with their thoughts. Bangurel was now armed to the teeth, and the transport ships were rarely captured. A law was passed that no more than three alien merchant ships could ever land on the planet Bangurel at the same time. Only when one ship had left the atmosphere was the next one allowed to land. A few recalcitrants and insolent badgers were shot down, then it was clear to everyone that the Bangurelians were not to be trifled with. Of course, the merchant ships of the Pirate Union were also allowed to land, after all, trade was more profitable than not being able to carry out any more raids. The last raid had been several decades ago now.
Besides the politicians and priests, the military formed a significant power in the fabric of society. Bangurel had formed the administration and the authority apparatuses after valurian model. The planet was centrally administered, there were no states and nations like on Earth. Of course there were guilds, which stood up for their professional group, and regional administrations. The guilds of different sciences formed the fourth power of the planet. They were the only ones who elected their leaders quasi–democratically; here, expertise and research results still applied to everyone. Neither the politicians nor the priests or the military wanted to submit to this supposed weakness, with these only the right of the stronger, the intrigue and the intrigue game was valid.