For one of my many missed birthdays – to my recollection it was the 52nd – I had treated myself to a week‐long trip to ride a motorcycle in the island of Gran Canaria. After a long, heroic battle with the front desk, I had snagged a gorgeous room (No. 317) with a balcony and spent a week of breakneck cornering around the Spanish volcanic island in the Atlantic. The borrowed Kawasaki had plenty of power and, most importantly, a hell of a sound that would have done credit to any Harley.
And as that is just so, if one is alone as a man on the road, one looks closer when the waitress serves or flirts with the eyes sometimes left, sometimes right. My eyes stayed already some days again and again with 2 younger Dutchwomen, the one a willowy, blond gorgeous woman and the other, with black silk hair splendor and very well‐groomed slim body, but – well, obviously loving a good drop and with a pretty disfiguring skin disease in the face.
.Today at breakfast no Dutch women, that worries me a bit. Encounter afterwards in the hotel lobby, the blonde comes to meet me and we both smile at each other, then she slips out with the left slipper and puts a Tolup with Half Turn before I can catch her. Let go of her hip again and grin encouragingly. Off, off to the lift, the Kawa calls!
Damn, what am I going to do with a Dutch girl who looks like a speed skater with her almost 2 meters and is at least 30years younger than me!!! Besides, I am not unattached; (yes–yes, and the grapes are too sour for me anyway).
Well, like every day, I swung into the saddle on this one and rattled along the coastal road. In the evening I returned to the hotel. The approximately 280 km of this day went into the bones, was almost throughout pass road! Have a slight muscle soreness and am finally rid of my big butt, I feel it at least not at all... I shower long and hot.
Come late to dinner, right at the next table the Dutch girls. Wumm, they are already at the 2nd bottle of red wine! Yes, but, the girlfriend seems to booze gracefully as suspected. The blonde beams at me. I nod kindly and chow down. When the waitress Yennifera comes by, I ask her name again. Yesenia Rodriguez. There you go, I'll correct that on the hotel–s rating sheet. During the casual chat, I joke that she is wearing a beautiful gold ring, but on the wrong hand. She laughs and confidentially places her hand on my forearm. Soy nuvia, or something like that. Probably means I'm a bride, I'm engaged. Okay, Yesenia, have a nice life and many niñas, all as beautiful as you are! — It's much easier to chat when hitting on has become futile.
After dinner I smoke for a long time, the girlfriend of the blonde swallows violently and already sways slightly while sitting. The blonde drinks mineral water and looks over the rim of the glass at the three Italians, three young bulls her age, or rather younger, pimped out like the black rap–singers in MTV, with fashionable robes and lots of gold chains, yo, man, yo, we are rappers!
When I get up, I look at her and mumble loudly, I go to the bar. Go out with soft knees and occupy a nice table in the hotel bar. The beer sinks millimeter by millimeter as I figure out what to do next. Definitely an alias with an exciting backstory. So Jafar the shark hunter? Or Dr. Jafar, biologist and shark researcher? Sounds less bloody, I'm quite familiar with the subject matter and could talk shop for longer if necessary. Or just Jack, computer expert? Hm! Before I can decide, the Dutch girls come through the hall to the bar. The long blonde has the small Alk‐lady undergrasped and supports her as a precaution.
I get up and stand behind the chair like a butler, so things are clear. They are undecided at first, but then I make a head movement, come now here, so they come closer. I move the chair, the Alk‐lady sits down, then I pull another chair from the next table for my blonde. May I invite you both for a drink? Marieke, she introduces herself, and Inue, from Ijmuiden. Holland, I say, she smiles. Her German is not much better than my Dutch. So be it. I also introduce myself. Jafar from Vienna, preacher.
Tequila Sunrise and Copa Tropical, I misjudged. Preacher? Preacher Man, I explain. Our German Dutch, pimped up with some English, that goes quite well. What does a Preacher Man do? the blonde asks. I preach what good computing is and demonize what bad computing is or comes from Redmond. Aha. In her eyes, blank nothingness, no spark, no flash of wit. I make Advice, I say, "Advies en Automatiseering. Van die Computergebruikers." Uh‐huh. Then why Preacher Man? I stammer laboriously in Brockenholland and Pidgin English, slowly she catches on. "Een programeur?" Yes, I wink tiredly, there's probably no point. Next time shark hunter, shark researcher or real estate shark, damn!
She's 32, Marieke says, and works in an office in Amsterdam. Pump store, fire department, pumping out basements and so on. But from pumps she knows nothing, the others do that, she is there for the correspondence and customer service. Okay, I say, I would have thought she was a speed skater. She looks concerned and says, that was in the past, she was really in the national racing squad. Would I have seen her once? In her eyes, suspicion and mistrust that I am not what I pretend to be. No, I say, it's because of her slim figure and her movements, which look like those of an athlete.
Silence. Figure was probably not the right word, what the heck do the Dutch understand when I say figure? Wordlessly, the seconds slowly pass. Tequila, Inue grumbles, another dekila. Sanrais, she adds energetically. Marieke whispers Dutch with her, tries to talk her out of the Tequila. The waitress doesn't care and brings another tequila. The mood is completely fucked.
And you ride the big bike, out there? Yes, I nod, but before I can continue, the Italian rappers, yo yo, man, come loud and noisy from the dining room, coming closer and closer. They stay a few steps away, standing around indecisively. Marieke slides back and forth on the armchair and whispers, sorry, but she had agreed with the Italians that they would go to the disco with five other people. Do I want to go with them? No, I wave her off disappointedly, I can't dance, my bad knee. She slides back and forth. Inue, she says, Inue, you can't stand anymore, we can't go to the disco. The Italians grumble, the boss talks to Marieke energetically and demanding, jo jo! You can't get any lower than the bottom of the swimming pool, I think, and offer to sit with Inue until they get back from the disco. Marieke beams. Damn, how easy it is to find idiots when you need them badly! Inue speaks surprisingly fluent German and says Marieke should just go to the disco with the guys, she'll finish her drink and then she'll go to the room. Okay, says Marieke, then see you later and goes off with the guys. Jo Jo, Man!
I nibble listlessly on my stale beer while Inue tells me she's 26 – oops, no, 27– and a dental assistant and hasn't been able to get rid of the red port‐wine stain on her face for years. I don't even need to go to the disco with it, she says, the boys all just want Marieke. She is silent and waits for my comment. Then she says stating, you also imagined it differently. I pretend no, no, but she grinned and sips deeply on the tequila and the Sunrise. Stubbornly she mumbles to herself that she had imagined the vacation quite differently, but what the heck. No disco then. She has beautiful, long black‐wavy hair and almond‐shaped, beautiful eyes — I can see that she must have Asian parents — and a pretty face, apart from the port‐wine stain.
The initial halting conversation becomes more eloquent as she continues to ask me about my bio. Motorcycling and sailing don't interest her at all, but writing is where she thaws out. She writes diaries and poems, no, she doesn't think about publishing. She energetically asks what I write. We get into a heated dispute because she thinks that sex should only be hinted at in literature, so that something happens in the reader's mind, but it shouldn't be explicit. I disagree that you can write very explicitly and still have something going on in the reader's mind, provided you have a good concept, a viable or unusual plot. Just the pure noise of humping alone, we agree, that doesn't give anything.
No, please, no more tequila, I say to Inue, be a good girl! We wrestle over the tequila for a few minutes, in the end I win when I promise I'll take you up there. She smiles. You'll take me to the room? Yeah, I say, there's nothing to it, I won't bite you. Sure. She smiles, she knows better. I pay, then Inue whispers to the waiter: "dos Marques de Caceres y dos copas, para la cama," and I realize a few minutes later that the good Marques must be swimming in a bottle of red wine. In both. Inue, Inue, I say shaking my head, but I won't sit that long! She looks at me very directly and says that I promised to accompany her to her room, then she gets up as well as she can. I hook her under, because of the swaying floor in the hotel lobby, and we go up to 716. She holds on to the life‐saving Marcheses and her purse, I clutch the two red wine glasses and her hip, my God, she can barely stand up straight. But the hip, it grips uniquely well, gentlemen!
She rummages the room card laboriously out of the handbag and then can't find it in the slot, I have to help out. She goes ahead, I stop in the doorway and say, I have to go now. She shakes her head obstinately and says, put the glasses on the table! I obey and hear the door slam loudly behind me. Inue, I have to go now, I say, I don't want to, we agreed, don't bite. My panic increases as she calmly and with a certainty of purpose that I would not have believed her to have in her condition, unscrews the red wine and pours it into the glasses. Wingless, I try to fight her off several times, but her stubbornness is tremendous. I sit on the edge of the chair, ready to jump, and sip the Marquis from the province of Caceres. Not bad, but heavy and bitter. I don't like wine in general, and this Marques may be the pride of the house, but I don't want it. Inue holds her glass out to me, willy‐nilly I have to top her off.
Inue grinned at some point and mutters, the boys won't have any fun with Marieke, she only loves her Vibby. What, I ask, what is that? She climbs over the bed that my eyes almost fall out of their sockets from gawking and digs out a pink sex vibrator from the nightstand drawer. She laughs at my puzzled face and stows the thing away again, then sits down opposite me on the couch. Somehow my heart is beating at full speed in my throat because Inue's little dress has nothing to hide anymore and on the other hand I am embarrassed by this undecent revealing of Marieke's sexual secrets.
She notices and continues to drink doggedly. Her handling of her beautiful, slender legs is pure provocation, my throat throbbing as her thong is at best an alibi for etiquette gone useless. With a gesture of complete self‐assurance, she reaches under her dress and unfastens her bra, deftly pulling it under her arm and armpit. I gulp, because under the gauzy little dress the sweet little breasts and teats stand out clearly visible.
She sips the Marchese and watches me with cat‐like eyes over the rim of the glass as she slowly pulls one leg up and rests it on the seat beside her. Then she calculatingly folds the leg slowly to the side so that her thong shifts completely, exposing her black silk fluff covered pubic and slit entirely. Triumph flashes in her eyes as my eyes magically latch onto her naked cunt, smiling somehow victoriously as I look helplessly–aroused at her nakedness and cannot avert my gaze. You have to be a complete moron or even Dr. Jafar from Vienna to not instantly understand these body language signals.
I chatter something irrelevant, while my eyes feast on her body. The leg bent in a seductive way and the thin, black thong reveal everything, my heart beats up to my throat and my buddy with the watery eye smiles knowingly. She leaves me smiling at her beautiful body, at her exposed cunt. I continue our conversation haltingly for a few more minutes, even though voyeur and exhibitionist are facing each other, then she begins to doze off sitting up. I stand up and greedily take one last look at her naked cunt, then quietly slip away.
I know, you might think it's cowardly. But the inhibition against taking advantage of the alcohol is stronger than the desire, has been beaten deep and hard into my soul. Even as I drive down, I ruminate on this inhibition to bite and that Inue looked quite appetizing. Maybe I should have? When the elevator stops, I am undecided whether to go up again. There you go, says my buddy with the watery eye, she's already completely gone anyway and surely doesn't mind a quickie, with her bawling that only Marieke ever gets the guys off. Come on, he drools greedily, press the 7 already! Obediently I press 7, the lift thinks nothing of it and goes up good‐naturedly. Angel–Jack and Devil–Jack, who had been silent since the 3rd beer, are now talking to me incessantly. Don&ash;t be a pig, don&ash;t be unfair, you boozer, don&ash;t do shit! Exasperated, I press 3. The elevator door waits indecisively for 7, whether I do not want to get out, then it closes with a shrug and goes down again. This time I get off. I'm not an idiot to take the elevator for a walk at night!
For seconds I stand in front of the open elevator. Then it closes quietly. Angrily, I press the "up"–button again. Obediently, the door opens and the yawning emptiness of the elevator seems to laugh at me cynically. Then it bristles and shrugs itself closed again. I push the button again. My buddy urges. I quickly get in and head upstairs. I have to knock several times until Inue opens with a sleepy look. We look into each other's eyes for a long moment, I recognize budding anticipation in them.
I can't sleep, I lie, muttering in an embarrassed manner, and sit down in the deep armchair. Inue refills both glasses and sits down on the couch. "I want it too!" she murmurs audibly, looking me kindly in the eyes. Her eyes flash briefly and seductively, pretending to think of something on the spur of the moment. With a knowing, calculating look, she slowly raises her leg to the seat, the snake watching the mouse with calculating interest.
A moment later, she flips the leg off to the side, as she did before, and pushes the thong aside with a quick flick of her wrist. There is nothing accidental or unintentional about it, she already knows from before how she gets me hooked. She exhibits her naked cunt completely uninhibited and proudly shows me her whole tempting splendor, drunkenly she plays with the pubic hair, the labia. I watch her tied up for minutes, drink carelessly and feel magically attracted by her obscene permissiveness, unchaste display and erotic shamelessness.
After a long while, Inue, triumphant over the taken‐by‐surprise old man, laughs up bright as a bell and sits down on the arm of my chair after pouring our drinks. The alternation between exhilaration and clarity completely confuses me. She plays with my hair and nuzzles my neck before feeling her way down over my chest and unzipping my pants almost effortlessly.
"Oh, there he is!" she exclaims, smiling mischievously at me, smiling as if this is an unexpected discovery. I'm excited and horny as a spitz dog. She is now lying across my chest, feeling my cock, checking its stiffness. I sigh loudly, it feels so good. I touch her bare thigh, caressing it and stroking myself further up. Inue is now wriggling back and forth terribly excitedly, squeezing my cock. As my fingers slide under the thong, she almost drives out of her skin and masturbates me delicately.
Before I can even say peep, she bends down low and caresses it with her lips and tongue. Pushing her mouth fully over my cock, her lips enclose it tightly. With quick movements of her head she fucks me with her mouth. I feel in my frenzy the violent rising explosion and pour myself in her mouth. She only stumbles for a split second, then swallows it and continues. I shudder because it is so eerily beautiful the way her warm mouth fucks my spurting cock, the way she sucks, swallows and caresses my cock with her lips. Then I pull her head back — someone had told me insistently that no woman would like to be squirted directly into the mouth.
."Phew, don't you like it?!" grumbles Inue, unable to hide a certain disappointment. She wipes her mouth and lets her flickering gaze rest on my hard‐on, from which a bit of semen still oozes. I murmur in an embarrassed manner that I am sorry. "Oh what, I actually like doing this very much! Today I had to do it to you with my mouth," whispers Inue, "you must not squirt inside, today is a dangerous day!" I keep quiet because I'm drunk and horny and don't give a shit. "Let's have another drink," she suggests.
The unfamiliar alcohol gets into my head dangerously fast, I'm drunker than I've been in a long time. In the next quarter of an hour we drink another glass, I caress her incessantly and explore groping her body. Feel her warm, soft skin under the thin fabric, the stiff nipples lift firmly from the small breasts. My hand glides gently over the dress, caressing her hips and narrow buttocks. She quivers slightly, I feel her arousal and deeply suck in the good scent of her body.
Finally, I pull her dress over her head and let it slide to the carpet, undressing myself too completely before sliding onto the couch next to her. We kiss and my hand slides to her thong, I slip it down and Inue wriggles her legs, flinging the unnecessary thing to the floor. She has a flawless young body, a head shorter than me and willowy, with a handful of nicely shaped breasts. The disfiguring red marks on her face suddenly don't matter.
She kisses me and I caress her, touching the small breasts again and playing with the nipples. She sighs and her body relaxes completely after a few moments, she lies down next to me across the couch. She puts her butt on my lap and opens her thighs willingly, her hand invitingly leads mine to her cunt, smilingly inviting me with her eyes to explore. Expectantly, she closes her eyes.
I feel over the silky shiny pubic hair and her cunt, spread the narrow labia very gently and look at everything closely. The vaginal entrance is very, very tiny and I think involuntarily, how an erect cock should go in there?! Her clit is much larger in comparison and hides under a small bonnet. She twitches expectantly as I carefully push back the bonnet and touch the clit. Maybe I was wrong, but it feels like the clit got a millimeter bigger as I gently push the bonnet back and forth.
Yes, definitely, her clit stiffens and straightens the longer I push the bonnet back and forth. If I were braver, maybe now would be the time to lick her clit. I remain a coward and don't even dare to put a finger into the tiny vaginal opening. I take her leg that obstructs looking in front of my belly and lift it over my head onto my shoulder. My face is only a few spans away from her pubis. Visibility: excellent. Inue continues to keep her eyes closed, sliding a hand onto my cock. She smiles pleasantly as her hand feels it growing and throbbing, though it doesn't get much stiffer than semi‐stiff. She opens her pussy as much as she can, her abdomen demanding with lascivious movements the continuation of the bonnet game.
Following, I masturbate specifically the clit, while her hand, which until now had lain quite calmly on my semi‐stiff, becomes restless. Her fingers grope for my glans, first play and soon give morsing the beat to masturbate. I masturbate her clit until I realize that she is about to orgasm. The abdomen undulates deeply and wave‐like, she lifts her pussy higher with her butt to press her clit firmly against my masturbating fingers. I can see and feel quite clearly that she is orgasming now. I press a finger vibrating on her stiff clit and clearly feel it throbbing and knocking. I look directly into the slightly open pubic fold and vaginal entrance, where the small opening of her hole opens and closes like a little fish's mouth, trembling gently. Inue's abdomen pumps long pulsating and she sighs comfortably deep. She sighs several times as I release the clit after her relax and let my hand rest on her warm pussy. My fingers gently and very delicately caress her pubic fold and swollen labia while she calms her breathing, her heartbeat with her eyes still closed. Later, as I gently close her thighs, I whisper softly, "Wonderful!", though I don't know if Inue liked this gentle orgasm.
Later, I get up because I need to piss. She passes me just outside the bathroom and sits down wide‐legged, mischievously–smiling drunkenly. She beckons me over, grabs my semi‐stiffy and tells me to kneel down. She directs the cock in front of her labia and stammers drunkenly that I should piss. She looks between her thighs and starts to piss over my glans. I let it run as well, grinning dirtily she directs the jet, waving like a hose, onto her pubic fold and between her labia. I find it not horny and go out.
By now she's drinking the third‐fourth glass, I can't take any more. She pours herself another glass and finishes it in one go, pours herself another and downs the glass with fierce determination. Her eyes are already swimming as she looks at me uncertainly and says softly, "I haven't had a man in over a year!" I nod, what can I say in response?
So I seize the opportunity and ask her thoroughly. No, she says, I should answer two questions first. "Did you bring a condome?" No, I say, they would laugh at me old man after all. Okay, she says, and now the second. She circles around a bit, because she wants to know how I fuck. First I joke, I'll show you, then I realize that she's not joking and answer, very simple, normal and nothing out of the ordinary. Only vaginal, never anal and rather slow, not fast, usually I take a break when I squirt. I add that most women do not orgasm with me, we do that together if she wants it.
.I look at her if that fits, she nods and says today anal would be better, but if I didn't like it – the sentence was left hanging open in the air. And then it's my turn to ask questions and summarize how I understood her.
Faltering at first, but after a deep swig from the vodka bottle she had conjured from somewhere, as well as supported by my probing questions and caressing fingers, she reported. The longer I caressed her, the more readily it bubbled out of her: yes, on their first vacation together with Marieke about 10 years ago, they had tried if they were lesbians, but no, they were not. The vacation was simple: to be fucked properly every day. As a result, they towed all kinds of guys, taking turns getting fucked, although over time Marieke increasingly held back and let Inue do the fucking. Yes, Inue answered gruffly to my question, of course the men squirted into our pussies, we were on the pill at the time.
It was clear: she was a fierce hetero, Marieke rather not, she loved herself best. Most of the time they were three or even four, but Marieke mostly left all the men to her and just watched excitedly as Inue was fucked by the men in turn. In the early years Marieke had still joined in the fucking, and Inue admired her because Marieke orgasmed violently every time she was fucked, writhing in fine pleasure and loved the pain. Inue said that Marieke orgasmed much more often than she did while fucking, she herself needed the clit stimulation.
When a man was good, Marieke could orgasm two– or three times before he squirted and felt great pleasure each time. Inue got excited at the sight of her, loving it when Marieke orgasmed from his thrusting alone while fucking. With some men it didn't work, so Marieke, driven by the rising excitement, rubbed her clit with her face contorted in suffering pain, to orgasm after a few moments. Then she threw her head back and forth, her body quivering under violent convulsions. She then slowly pulled the cock out of her throbbing cunt with pointed fingers and gently stroked it, only to be humped further a few moments later.
Mostly the men squirted before she reached the next orgasm. Marieke didn't wait until he had squirted the whole load in, but hid under his body, keeping the cock in her cunt and rubbing her clit quite stealthily, usually only for a few moments until she orgasmed.
Initially Marieke did not masturbate alone in front of men, but sometimes it happened when she was highly aroused and could not control herself. That's when she closed her eyes and did it very quickly, turning her face to the side, which had turned bright red from embarrassment and shame. Although she seemed to be terribly embarrassed every time, she kept doing it in front of the strangers when she absolutely needed it right away and immediately. Inue meant that Marieke made it despite all shaming in truth very gladly in front of spectators, firstly because she made it constantly and offered each time her spread thighs and her cunt exhibionistically to look and secondly, if it was really so embarrassing to her, why didn't she turn then with the back to the man?
After Inue had returned from the cheerfully splashing pee from the bathroom, I urged her to describe Marieke in more detail. She let me fidget a little, but then she said that everything was much bigger than her's, even her pussy. Only they both had small breasts, she giggled. The light blond pubic hair (at that time there was no shaving mania) framed her pink cunt, but her labia were like hers, so smooth and narrow. In any case, Marieke's clit was twice as big as her own, but usually completely covered by a bonnet. But when she got horny, the clit grew under the hood – she meant the bonnet – and stuck out stiff and firm. She broke off and drank. She really enjoyed being stroked gently during our question– and answer game.
When I asked her, she replied with a shy sideways glance that she had also done it once before men, because the two of them were already completely pumped out and she had not come to orgasm and was still terribly aroused. At first she was very embarrassed when she touched herself and Marieke's piercing looks made her pause at first. But she was terribly horny and wanted it badly and it surprisingly made her totally horny because the others were watching.
I urged her to tell everything. Well, she said and licked her lips, she lay on her back facing the men, closed her eyes and let her fantasies run wild. She slowly played with her labia and spread her thighs, first a little, then more and finally quite wide apart, and the open‐mouthed gawking spectators gave her a certain kick. It increased her excitement that she could secretly see, under almost closed eyelids, how the cocks very, very slowly swelled and stiffened again as she masturbated herself to just before climax.
Marieke came closer and grabbed a guy, lying down so that her willingly opened pussy was right in front of Inue's face. She looked spellbound directly into Marieke's beautiful pink cunt in her light blonde pubic hair, while the man slowly and carefully penetrated Marieke. Inue exploded at the same moment as they fucked away, still orgasming violently as the second fellow brutally penetrated her throbbing cunt, making her convulse orgasmically with strong thrusts for a long time before he spurted loudly inside her.
It was a wonderful, arousing watching for her. Inue only noticed in passing that her own lover was cuming, her gaze remaining fixed unblinkingly on Marieke's cunt, fucking cock and dangling sack. Marieke's lover was giving his all and soon Marieke had to orgasm.
He noticed, then kept fucking until he finally cum. Marieke gestured to her lover to stay inside and keep squirting. Inue could quite clearly observe his pumping, which rhythmically widened Marieke's cunt, and also that Marieke had already pulled back the hood and was masturbating with her other hand.
Almost immediately she orgasmed. Her cunt twitched and jerked endlessly, squeezing the still spurting cock, then it ebbed. Instantly she pulled the flaccid cock out of her vagina. So we all had another good fuck, Inue said, adding, "one of the very good ones."
I asked abruptly when and how she started to masturbate? She looked at me for a very long time, then she answers, she will probably have been 8 or 9, was invited to a school friend with three others to a pyama party and sleepover. After the parents had gone out, the girls stayed alone among themselves. Her friend's older sister – about 13 or older – bragged terribly that she already had hair and willingly undressed on her bed to show off her sparse down to everyone.
Soon after, they were all naked, ogling and groping each other's hairless crevices and holes, until finally the big one, again marveled and gawked at by all, spread her thighs and pulled her labia apart with her fingers, letting everyone see inside her red hole. They gaped and marveled as she slowly slid her index finger inside, grinning broadly as she claimed she was already fucking her boyfriend properly. They had all climbed onto the bed, surrounded her and gawked at her miraculous hole.
Some moved forward when she said they could all touch her there and touch her. Some dared and she was soon writhing with horniness as many hands, many fingers groped her. This made her totally horny, she pushed the strange hands aside and masturbated without any shame in front of the girls until she orgasmed. Inue herself sat right between their legs and had curiously participated in the groping of the big girl's pubic, now she breathlessly watched the masturbating. Everyone gawked in amazement, for none had ever seen or had an orgasm. After that experience, Inue said, she played with her pussy at night until she could do it. And every night since then, when she was alone. And she would never forget the triumphant look of the big one.
I kept drilling until she finally admitted to fibbing earlier, that she did it not just once but over and over again in front of strange men, just like Marieke, but without feeling embarrassed or ashamed. Listening, I continued to probe. Yes, Inue answered with some discomfort, we both did it very often, in fact almost every time. She apologetically added that many men needed a break after squirting, and should the horny girls wait idly until the man could fuck again? If there was only one man and only Inue wanted to get fucked, why shouldn't Marieke satisfy herself when she got aroused and needed it badly? Thoughtfully, Inue said, Marieke really did it a lot when she watched the fucking, often three or four times in a row.
And she herself, I asked? She really didn't find anything wrong with doing it in front of a man, possibly getting him horny again with it. Inue stuttered a little as she added that exhibiting often gave her an arousing sense of power, that's why she liked doing it so much. And very often even two men didn't manage to fuck Inue to orgasm, so should they then sit around as a foursome, or release their horniness unceremoniously? Of course, I say, that's okay, please keep reporting, I'm very interested. But, she continued, we never did a lesbian show to the man, each only satisfied herself when men were around. Always.
Then she continued: more often it happened that a man wanted Marieke to give him a handjob at the end, which she did only reluctantly. She wanked the cocks tantalizingly slowly and smiled as soon as they squirted, but she was careful not to get squirted herself. Most of the men, however, couldn't stand her slow hand for long and did it to themselves. But because most of them were eager to squirt on her breast or on her cunt, she made sure that the man masturbated kneeling in front of her. At the crucial moment, she moved her cunt forward so skillfully that it was all over his glans when he squirted or he had to penetrate while squirting. She was very proud of this technique. Marieke never let herself be squirted in the face, and certainly not in the mouth.
And you, I ask curiously. Oh, it's nothing, she replies. If a man wanted a handjob, he got it, even though she kept trying to seduce him into fucking her. And she didn't care where the man wanted to squirt, just not on her hair. And it was no problem for her to swallow the semen, it comes from inside and is absolutely clean. But it rarely happened that the man wanted a handjob, squirting in her throat was victorious ever.
After a few deep gulps from the bottle, Inue whispered with tear‐flecked eyes how nice it used to be to watch Marieke fuck! But this happened more and more rarely, so that Inue was finally the only one who fucked with the men. Marieke just watched them until she was aroused and horny enough to give in to her exhibitionism despite all the embarrassment and shame and masturbated with her thighs wide open. Most men stopped fucking to watch her masturbate horny before they continued fucking. Rarely, Marieke would lie down next to Inue to gently rub Inue's clit while they fucked, bringing her to orgasm. When the men had left, Marieke would get her vibrator and give herself a long, wonderful orgasm.
I couldn't help it, I kept drilling. Hesitantly, Inue replied that they were not embarrassed of each other from the beginning and were doing it together as a matter of course, at first each on her own side of the bed. Yes, she liked that very much, Inue said, because since she had that disfiguring fire mark on her face, she rarely got a shotgun in front of her little mouse, she giggled. Marieke was fine with it, because she was autoerotically inclined anyway, and so they enjoyed masturbating together every night when they couldn't hook up with anyone. But mostly it worked, Marieke picked up a man, she fucked him.
Yes, she finally admitted then when I asked, sometimes feeling Marieke's clit while she satisfied herself with the vibby. When I probed further, she said that Marieke really enjoyed it lately when Inue stimulated her clit just before she orgasmed, she usually came immediately, after a few strokes on her clit. And she herself, yes – she scratched her head before revealing her last secret in a hoarse whisper, – yes, by now she always let Marieke masturbate her, from start to finish. And yes, by now only by Marieke, because she could do it very, very well. Inue didn't know why, but Marieke was very dominant and brought her to fast orgasms with her fingers better than she could do it herself. They both loved multiple orgasms in a row and did it for hours. I wanted to know if they were doing it the same way this week, and Inue replied – a little surprised – yes, of course, this is our vacation after all. During the year they rarely saw each other, and she herself only had enough time to masturbate extensively on the weekends. And only on the weekends did she have time to fuck some older men she was friends with. But she mentioned that she masturbated every night before she went to sleep, which she had done every night since she was a child.
Inue downs another glass, wipes her mouth with the back of her hand, and glares at me. She is suddenly ashamed of her openness, gets even more drunk, and completely surrenders herself to me. I wonder if I should fuck her, because my worst urge has suddenly faded. Nevertheless, my cock had become neatly stiff again during her confession. I quickly get up, lift her up and carry her to the bed. As we lie side by side and kiss for a long time, I feel the urging of her body. Her abdomen presses longingly against me, her pubic caresses my cock demanding. I caress her everywhere, what a beautiful, wonderful body! I feel my way into her abdomen, feel her heat and moisture. Delicately and purposefully I stroke her clit, hear her breath quicken and stroke even more gently and quickly.
I enjoy her getting hornier, stroking her to almost orgasm, but she doesn't come. Soft and willing she lets me turn her onto her belly, I pull her up by the hips and spread her thighs, her butt cheeks. She buries her face in the pillow when I mount her from behind, reaches through between her thighs and steers my bulging cock with one hand helping carefully into her vagina, which goes surprisingly easier than previously thought.
.A wonderful cunt, very tight and cuddly, wet and warm. I feel at the end of her cunt slight resistance – ah, there it goes no further. I'm relieved, because my little one is not particularly large.
"But don't squirt inside," whispers Inue, "it's a dangerous day today!" Although I'm dead tired from the day's ride, I pull myself and give her a good evening ride. She sighs and squirms as I fuck her slowly and vigorously. Her hand, which she had used to help my cock in, steals to her clit and I can feel it rubbing gently. In her drunkenness she loses the ground under her feet, suddenly tears roll down her frightened face, she sobs in tears "please don't make me a child!" and pinches her vagina so that I cum once twitching briefly, but I continue to fuck slowly without continuing to cum.
Inue doesn't stop rubbing herself. I look down at my cock, which disappears between her small, round buttocks. It's not an arousing situation because the "don't squirt!" or "don't make me have a baby!" is very irritating. Without really having come to orgasm, I tense up inside her because earlier, while she was busy with her clit, I had nevertheless squirted into her a very little bit when she had cramped her vagina. She continues to rub her clit and I watch as she brings herself to a small, gentle orgasm. She keeps exciting her clit really hard to delay the climax as long as possible. She is highly concentrated on this and ignores everything I do. I now thrust in very deeply, the cervix gives way and lets my glans penetrate deeply. It encloses the glans quite tightly, the stranglehold lets me squirt only in tiny jets.
Because I remain motionless stuck in her pussy and squirt in very small jets, she suddenly looks at me very anxiously over her shoulder and whispers in horror, whether I'm squirting right now?! She does not seem to sense my secret squirting, since I do not thrust. We both remain motionless and I continue to squirt in tiny little squirts into her vagina. I close my eyes and try to somehow enjoy this restrained, strange squirting. She doesn't move and seems to listen inside herself as she continues to tease the clit further and further and further. The seconds turn into minutes and I squirt in small doses inside her vagina. Squirting each time she shudders as the clit is teased and her vagina squeezes my cock comfortingly. She pants and steadily increases the speed with which she rubs her clit. I am amazed that she can masturbate so elegantly and purposefully even when intoxicated, it is almost automatic. Her fingernail scratches my cock as she climaxes. She sighs in satisfaction and triggers the orgasm.
Suddenly pure panic — "are you squirting right now?" I ram it in deep to squirt and lie "No, but in a moment, in a moment I'll squirt!". She is terribly frightened and immediately pulls out my cock with her hand, strokes it with her hand and makes a satisfied face, because she believes because of its stiffness that I have not yet squirted. In a lucid moment she asks, "did you cum inside? Squirted in?" and I hum and nod in confirmation. She missed the clear moment and grins stupidly. "Not squirted, not squirted!" she repeats shaking her head as if she understood. She nods in satisfaction as she squeezes the glans and a tiny bit of semen immediately spurts out into her hand. She giggles with a blur, "squirt nicely, squirt just fine! Squirt, squirt, squirt!" and squeezes the glans with each "squirt!". She lets the semen squirt out in little droplets into her cupped hand. She giggles idiotically and tries hard to make me squirt really hard and is happy about every little drop of semen that squirts into her hollow hand. I alone know that I have squirted far too little and restrained and still need it right. After a while she stops squeezing the glans, smudges the semen on the sheet and murmurs, "fine squirted, have fine squirted! Very fine squirted!" She still checks with a finger if there is any semen in her vagina. The situation is not erotic, the woman and I are completely drunk and my desire is subsiding, I am subsiding at all.
I slide to the side and remain lying there breathing heavily. Shit, I'm all fucked up! And shit, I did squirt in, even if only a tiny little bit. It was not particularly horny, but I had been able to squirt for minutes in her vagina without her getting suspicious. Had I injected directly into her uterus, in the stranglehold of her cervix? Very unlikely, I must have imagined it. She was too drunk to notice the restrained squirting or to recognize the semen in her vagina. She gropes for my cock again and tries to squeeze the flaccid glans and make it squirt, unsuccessfully. It just doesn't work that way. Very skillfully she rubs my cock and finally takes it in her mouth. It took a very long time, because I was still quite exhausted. But her tongue play made me jubilant. My finger play with her clit seemed to inspire her to suck my cock to climax. She actually manages to make him rebel again briefly and squirt a little bit. Like an actress in a cheap porno, she sticks out her tongue to present the bit of semen before swallowing it with a grin. Only now she seems to be satisfied and stands up swaying.
She briefly visits the vodka bottle and goes into the bathroom to splurge, then we lie quietly next to each other for probably a quarter of an hour, dozing, kissing and cuddling. I can't keep my hands off her beautiful, girlish body and she obviously enjoys being tickled and caressed all over. I must go very far back in time when I last held such a pretty and willing girl in my arms. After some time she crawls down, feels for my cock and takes it into her mouth. She licks the half‐asleep fellow very gently and brings him almost stiff. She can do it really well, licks and sucks and sucks in her intoxication that it is a real pleasure. I let myself continue to lick for quite a while because it is so pleasant, but after endless time I release her and say it would not go at the moment, I can not yet fuck and squirt. "No, not squirt, just fuck!" she replies with a heavy tongue, "just fuck, not squirt!"
She really seems not to have noticed my previous squirting, stands up and gets the next red wine bottle from the table, because the first Marques is already empty. She drinks directly from the bottle, sets down only briefly and drinks with violent gulping. Then she comes to bed swaying, with an unsteady step, but determined to do anything. With feverish eyes I look at her beautiful naked body. I knew only a few Asian women, but she was certainly the most beautiful and erotic of them. She is completely drunk again and cuddles up to me demanding. She takes another deep sip from the bottle and abandons herself to my finger play. My fingers play a little with her labia, she spreads wide and willingly, the booze drops all her inhibitions. With one hand I caress her breasts, with the other her labia, circling them and avoiding the clit to rekindle her excitement.
I close my eyes, indulging my thoughts and thinking of the couple I watch every day....
.... I had gone out on the balcony to smoke the very first evening when I heard distinct noises coming from the next room. I pressed one eye to the gap between the wall and the unfolded wooden sunshade and sure enough, the couple next door was fiercely at it.
I had already seen them the previous evening in the dining room, he, a medium sized, beefy built fellow, she, a tall blonde with a first class figure and rather large, bouncing breasts – a magnificently grown woman! Nevertheless, I suspected that the breasts had been surgically enlarged. I estimated that she was only in her early twenties, but that he was about 45 and they appeared to be on their honeymoon.
Now I saw them through the gap, he was fucking her slowly and deliberately. They were barely ten feet away from me. She was lying half erect on several pads, her legs wide open for him. I could see quite clearly how he was slowly and rhythmically thrusting his very thick, large cock into her cunt. She seemed to really enjoy it, making soft sounds and thrusting in turn with her pelvis. It wasn't long before he paused and she grabbed the root of his cock, pulling it out up to the glans, but leaving the glans in her cunt. His cock twitched slightly as she rhythmically pulled her labia together to milk his glans. She groaned softly with excitement as she fucked the glans with her labia and her whole cunt.
He soon seemed to be ready, pulled his glans out of her pussy and quickly pushed it in and out again. She looked at him totally in love and took his bulging giant in her hand. She made very gentle, soft jerking movements and very slowly inserted half of his cock. Now she tightened her grip and rubbed once–twice quickly, he instantly reared up and pulsatingly squirted into her. She pulled the cock out of her vagina and continued to rub it gently, letting the semen splash onto her pubic, rubbing it with slow motions until it stopped spurting. She continued to rub him very gently after he let himself sink tiredly to the side, continued to rub him gently and patiently until he stopped her. Then he got up, I heard the bathroom door slam and then the rush of the shower. All the douchebag seemed to care about was his own squirting, he didn't seem to care if she came too.
But she was certainly not a child of the day before yesterday, still lying spread wide on the bed and stroking her cunt, obviously still highly excited from being fucked, pulled the hood over the clit all the way back with her fingers, so that the little guy peeked out a tiny bit. To my disappointment, it was quite small. Then she sighed once deeply and immediately brought herself to climax with a few quick strokes. I carefully withdrew while she was still pressing her fingers on her pussy and letting the convulsions subside.
Every evening, promptly at six‐thirty, I watched them fuck, although I had the impression that at least she must have seen me, perhaps as a dark shadow behind the wooden screens. But apparently she loved having someone watching, because after he went to shower, she half‐turned, directly to me, and opened her thighs quite wide, eyes and cunt conspiratorially directed at my observer post. She seemed to still be neatly aroused from fucking, and with one hand pulled the bonnet all the way back so that I could see the small, reddishly aroused clit. She let him nod, quickly pulling the bonnet back and forth a dozen times. Then she made one‐two strokes with her fingers right on the clit to orgasm immediately. She closed her eyes and spread her labia with her fingers so I could see the pulsing quite clearly. After it subsided, she looked up and smiled, and it seemed to me that she was winking at me, but I wasn't sure. I stayed until she got up and dressed, then I withdrew as carefully as I could....
."I haven't had it yet today" Inue says with a shy sideways glance at me, which gave me a little twinge – she'd probably forgotten about the gentle orgasms earlier. I smile tiredly at her, knowing I won't be able to get anything done today. I tell her to do it herself, with the Vibby. She hesitates and looks at me questioningly, and I add that I want to watch her do it with the Vibby. With a swimming look her tongue stumbles that I am a fucking voyeur, but she sees my horny grin and laughs, there you are like all the others. Only after a while does she open the nightstand drawer, rummaging for Marieke's Vibby.
I sit up and light a cigarette. She plays around with the vibby for some time, obviously having to overcome some inhibition, despite her intoxication, as her uncertain look reveals. I bend over and take her hand with the Vibby, steering it lower and lower in gentle curves and playfully pushing the tip against her labia, gently pushing the Vibby into her vagina with her hand. She looks me slightly embarrassed in the eyes, her gaze gradually changing to drunken determination.
After another sideways glance at me, she shoves the vibby deep inside. She alternates between rubbing her clit and frantically fucking herself with the Vibby. It takes a very long time, she whimpers and groans and moans that it's not working. I get a decent hard‐on watching while she desperately struggles to come to orgasm. I almost can't control myself, it's so exciting to watch this girl up close as she tries to satisfy herself. Whenever she gets close to orgasm, she lets go of the clit and hesitantly fucks herself with the vibby without coming to orgasm.
"It won't work!" she moans softly, trembling and tears rolling down her cheeks. As suddenly as it began, it's over, the vibby flung carelessly onto the sheet. "It won't do!" she says again, lying there as if struck, covering her eyes with her forearm, the other palm pressed to her cunt.
Her show has driven me completely crazy. I'm on my knees in front of her now, holding my hard‐on at the ready, barely able to contain myself, though I realize she's completely exhausted and totally drunk. Her helplessness, her tears and her stammering drunken jerk off have awakened my most power‐hungry fantasies, have unleashed my hungry sex demons. I have to squirt and fuck now, so I move forward, grab her and sit her down so that she is supported by the pillows. Then I kneel down, grab her butt cheeks with both hands so I can lift them and try to penetrate. With a surprised sigh of pain, she sighs when I finally find her hole, poking between her labia, helps with a hand my cock to penetrate. She notes my determined firmness and murmurs that I must not squirt. I just grumble and know I'm going to cum all over her today, no matter how!
I grab her butt cheeks and fuck her very, very slowly, thinking of Marieke and her vibby. I'm kind of angry in my frenzy and imagine I'm inside Marieke, who I'm really quite angry at because it was her I actually wanted to fuck. This time it takes a long time, she groans comfortably with each of my thrusts, her fingers playing with her clit.
She masturbates in her frenzy continuously, slowly I feel my orgasm rising and embrace her buttocks with both hands. But when I straighten up shortly afterwards to tackle the finale, she stops masturbating unsteadily and looks at me fearfully, because she actually doesn't want to fuck me further, doesn't want to let me squirt. Her eyes blur into tears as she notices my motionless pause inside her and asks tonelessly if I'm squirting inside her right now?
I shake my head in denial and murmur "Yes, in a minute! I'm about to squirt!". I can only hear this from far away, because she tenses up and doesn't want to anymore. She whispers tearfully, "Please, don't make me a baby!" even though she realizes that all I want now is to fuck and squirt. I hold her ironclad by her butt cheeks, press her butt against me and thrust slowly and deeply into her cunt. I hold her tightly, am not ready to let go of her and continue to fuck undeterred. My hands are clawed into her buttocks, energetically I press her against me and push thoughtfully and full of pleasure into her vagina.
All of a sudden she gives in, keeps giving and giving and finally spreads herself completely wide to let me softly and willingly into her despite the tears, whispering again and again "yes, come fuck me, squirt!". Somehow in this I sense their buddy‐like agreement to cross the line together, to break the rule, and don't think about the fact that drunkenness and sexual greed have taken over. I'm drunk and yet I know I'm doing her violence, know in advance that I'm going to squirt inside her, at any cost!
I fuck panting like a bull, thrusting in and out, in and out, thoughtfully and forcefully like the ram of a steam engine. I get more and more excited and feel my plunger hammering against the soft end of her vagina. She gets more excited with each thrust, pressing her fingers to her clit and fucking me like crazy with her eyes wide with fear, tears rolling out of them again. "Come on, squirt already! Make my baby!" she slurs with a heavy tongue and now thrusts her pussy excitedly towards my cock. Her eyes blur into tears as she gasps "Yes! Fuck me! Squirt me a baby!" and continues to fuck my little one, she fucks and fucks me like a fury!
Her face contorts into a tear‐streaked grimace with effort as she fucks me completely intoxicated as if out of her mind, "Yes, come on, squirt! Squirt!" she gasps. After one last frantic trill on the clit, she stops all at once and comes, suddenly and very violently. As if from a raging thunderstorm, she is buffeted by orgasm, rocking her pelvis back and forth while I hold her like an iron vise. She bends her head forward to look down at herself, half horny, half helpless, but I watch her in my rising burst to observe her body jerk forward convulsively in orgasm and her cunt contract rhythmically around my cock. The rhythmic, sucking convulsions of her cunt excite me greatly, intensifying the premonition of the urgent coming eruption in my abdomen. I remain motionless, feeling my cock throbbing against the heaving, grinding end of her vagina. She slowly and gently rubs her clit to prolong her orgasmic convulsions. "Yes, come fuck me!"
In the midst of this endless orgasm, I explode – probably the best time for an old cock. She pulls in air violently as my cock suddenly rears up in her vagina and shoots the first jet into her. She feels the explosion of hot juice in her vagina and opens her mouth as if to a soundless scream, which immediately turns into a satisfied smile, she looks me straight in the eyes and hugs my hips demanding. She involuntarily holds her breath, opens her body softly and widely, receives my thrusting and squirting with a breathed "Yeaaah! Squirt!" and acknowledges every single thrust of the squirting piston with a gentle counter thrust of her pelvis, lets my semen squirt into her with a happy drunken gurgle, clings to me with her hands and lets everything squirt into her willingly and softly opened.
As I stop thrusting and squirting, she holds her breath, pulls out my cock with gentle fingers – I realize she is still highly aroused, and how! – and looks with a blurry, uncertain gaze at the still firm journeyman. Transitionless, she rubs it quickly up and down her labia a few times. She pushes it deep inside her vagina again and tries to keep fucking me. As if that would go so easily again! But I'm an old man, I can't feel it any clearer than right now – my little one is rapidly losing all composure. "Enough," I gasp, and only now does she let go of me. I sink down beside her on the bed, exhausted to death.
At this moment I notice Marieke standing under the door frame. She must have entered silently and has been standing there for who knows how long, watching our act with glittering, feverish eyes. The evening is a disaster! I jump up in a daze and go half‐dressed to my room, after pressing a fleeting kiss on Inue's cheek and sneaking past Marieke with my eyes lowered.
318 (or his bedmate) snores like a bear. I have no more nerves and drum against the wall, hitting the jo man Italians one by one in the face. First silence, then indignant grumbling in 318, then finally silence.
I am disappointed in Marieke, who had most certainly fucked one or the other or all of the rappers in a filthy disco–toilet or in the back of a Bentley or Rolls–Royce, am disappointed in me and Inue, who let my darkest demons crawl out. I am disappointed in myself because the evening as a whole was disastrous. And because — —
Fuck you, guys. All of you!